When we speak of the resurrection most people instantly think of Christ and the crucifixion, but are you aware of the many times a resurrection is mentioned even before the birth of Christ? Quite obviously there is more than one form of resurrection. Without further comment I list the following........
Elijah said unto her, "give me thy son." And he took him out of her bosom and carried him up to the loft and laid him upon his own bed. And he cried unto the LORD and said;  " O  Lord  and my God, I pray thee,  let  this  child's  soul come into him again.

And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah ; and the soul  of the child came Into  him again, and he revived. He then presented the child unto his mother and the woman said to Elijah; " Now, I know thou art a man of God and the word of the Lord in thy mouth is truth."   1st Kings 22-24.

This is an example of what some call the " near death experience."   It  isn't  near  death  it's  a second chance or revived life or resurrected life. Many scientists state this experience is just a brain shut-down and reviving,  not a  real death and return.       Other scientists disagree and say there truly is something transpiring of which  there  is  no mortal explanation.  I have spoken to many people who claim to have
died and returned to life.  I'm  not ignorant  enough  to think  they  are  all imagining this. Some  may  not 
be authentic,  but  some   present  compelling evidence,  so  I accept there is some form of life besides the body I live in that  gets sick and old.and eventually dies. Another thing to note is this event is long before the birth of Christ, therefore God answered prayer and let the child live again.

Jesus,  when  He  had  cried  again  with  a loud voice,  yielded up the ghost (life). And behold the veil of the temple was torn/rent in twain from the top to the bottom and the earth quaked and rocks fell. And the graves were  opened  and  many  bodies  of  the saints which  slept  arose and  came out of their graves upon HIS resurrection and went into the city and were seen of many.

This is a different type of viewing the dead; remember,  this is before Christ has risen again.  It doesn't say these viewed saints continued living again in an earthly form, it only says they travelled some distance and were seen by many. Matthew 27: 52 - 53
You must read the entire chapter of St John 11, to get a full grasp of this resurrection. At the beginning of the chapter we find there is a man who is ill and is the brother of Martha and Mary ( the lady who annointed HIS feet and wiped the feet with her hair) and they ran to find Christ to heal him. Jesus remarked to them that his sickness was not unto death, but for the glory of GOD and that they might see that He was the son of GOD. Even though HE loved Mary and Martha, HE remained teaching in the town for two days before  HE  said to HIS disciples to "come let us go to Judea. The disciples reminded HIM of the threat of violence if He returned but with some explanation He stated that they would go to Lazarus and now Christ is saying he is asleep)   The disciples said it was a good thing that he was asleep, not knowing Christ meant dead ( as we refer). Then, Jesus said plainly to them "Lazarus is dead."

Martha, hearing of His journey to them, went to meet Him. and reported that he was now dead for four days. (remember that Christ arose the third day)  Christ  assured  her  that  Lazaus  would  live again and Martha stated she knew he would live again in the resurrection. Martha went her way and called her sister  secretly saying, "the Master is come and has asked for you." Mary rose quickly and ran to Him.  Jesus  was still in the same town where Martha had met Him and when Mary saw Him,  she fell at  His feet crying, saying;  if You had been here, my brother would not have died. Jesus groaned in spirit when he saw the grieving family and Jews. Jesus asked where he was and then, Jesus wept! The Jews said  "look how He loved him",   but  some said if He could heal the blind,  why  could this man not save this mans life?   Jesus  groaned  within Himself as He approached the cave where a stone lay in front of the entrance. He said "roll away the stone", but martha spoke and told Him; "Lord, by this time he stinketh, being in the grave for four days."  Jesus gave her instructions to believe  and they rolled away the stone.  Jesus  lifted  up  His  eyes  and  said; "Father, I thank Thee that Thou hast heard me and I know that You always hear me, but I am saying  that  those  who see will believe that Thou hast sent me. Then, Christ with a loud voice called out:     "Lazarus, come forth." Lazarus came forth with his grave clothes and his face bound with a burial napkin. Jesus said " Loose him."  Lazurus now lived and to some they believed, but others ran to the Pharisee's to report what had happened.

This example is bringing back  the dead to continue their life. Come on now, don't try to explain this away as a near death experience!  But yes, I know many will claim it never happened; I believe it did!
In St John, 4: 24, we read that jesus is teaching that whosoever believeth in Him is not condemned in death, but to life everlasting and shall not die. Does that mean that the soul is continuing on another plane? What is the energy (imprint) that is found in so many places that witnesses call haunted? Is this nothing more or nothing less than energy of events left behind? This is separate and apart from activity where kenesis or harmful events occur. Read chapter: "Is there a force of good (God) and evil (Satan)?"
There are numerous places that mention souls in the grave, (study and you will find this is an analogy) or examples of the rich man and another poor man  a beggar)  named  Lazarus  who lay at the  rich mans  gate begging for food. Lazarus dies and is carried to  heaven  and  when  the  rich man  dies he is  in a  place  of torment begs Lazarus to come ease his torment. Christ  states  there is a great  gulf  between  the two worlds and although the rich man can see Lazarus, the once poor beggar cannot see the rich man, for Lazarus is in a state of marvelous wonder and beauty.

Surely there is no one today who believes in a  literal  place of  lying in the ground where their flesh and bones disintegrate  and then one far off day,  collect  themselves and become  resurrected.  That  would  mean  all cremated persons couldn't collect their bodies? This is silly! What of the ones who are in explosions or crash at sea?  The earthly body will never be collected together again,   but you will be known as you were known here and that is scriptural..