The Lost Books Of The Bible

The Lost Books Of The Bible 

     The Lost Books Of The Bible should have remained lost! This is an assemblage of twenty-eight  scrolls/books  supposedly  written  during  or  about  the  time  of Christ. Random House does make a disclaimer as to it's canonical value and admits some of the books are myths and/or legend and one is to read and draw their own conclusion as to worth or validity, therefore I give my humble opinion.  
For example we find the first entry is the Book of Mary. It states Mary's father was Joachim and her mother was Anna and they lived "plain and right before the Lord." It further states they lived exemplary lives before the Lord and for their twenty years of marriage they had no children. But when they go to the 'Feast of Dedication', Joachim and others of his tribe bring offerings to Jerusalem and presented them before the High Priest. Issachar, being of such high stature, despised Joachim and rejected his offering and chastised him for bringing his offering and assemblage with his neighbors, since he had no children.  He further told poor Joachim that he could never be accepted by God, who had judged him to be unworthy to have children. The book then relates how an angel appears to Anna and states she will give birth to a girl child that will be pure and chaste and she shall name her Mary. It evn goes further to state the girl will remain pure and a virgin, giving birth later to the Savior.

    Now if we accept this version, we must exclude the Biblical rendition, which has Mary surprised when she is told that she will give birth to the Lord. Obviously Anna, Mary's mother would have prepared Mary had the sequence of events ocurred. I could expound upon the differences, but leave it to your perusal.

The second book is 'The Protevangelion',  which expounds  the goodness of Mary's mother,  and her meeting with an angel who informs her that she shall no longer be reproached and she shall in fact have a child. Then we find as an infant Mary is given blessings to make her special.  Then  we  are led to believe that she is put in a special school when she is three and there she was fed by an angel. The Priests also had the privilege to select her husband to be which was done by bringing all the widowers  with their rods, and he whom the Lord shall give a sign shall be Mary's husband.  I won't go further  because I'm sure you see the context.

The third book is 'The Infancy', and here we find Jesus has the gift of a magician and he is talking while still in the cradle and tells His mother "I am Jesus the Son of God, and my Father has sent me for the salvation of the world." The book goes on to tell of the many events of miracles that Christ performed as an infant. When a satan possessed boy tried to bite Jesus and couldn't, he struck him on the right side and
immediately satan left him and ran away like a mad dog. Oh, yes! The satan possessed boy's name was Judas. This tale goes even further to state that when Christ was seven years old, he made figures of clay such as birds, oxen and other animals and commanded them to walk and/or fly and of course they did. He contnued with His many feats of magic until the event in the temple at age twelve when he then hid all his talents until He began his ministry at around the age of thirty.

    In the second book of infancy we find a rather cruel little boy that is supposed to be The Savior, doing harm to other children and when brushed upon by another boy, caused the child to drop dead!  Come on, this is written by whom? Did the writer truly expect people to believe these writings or were they merely meant to be the fairy tales of the time much as our Jack and The Beanstalk or CinderFella, or such?!
Place with other book reviews........

I need go no further because by now I'm sure you get the basic idea. These books are presented to be 'The Lost Books Of The Bible'. Sure they are and by the way, I just purchased  New York City. When one doubts the validity of the Bible and assumes the twelve apostles  would  have been more prone to falsify  manuscripts,  but  tales  such  as  the Lost Books Of The Bible  be accepted as true,  it becomes a travesty to give serious thought to these books in my opinion. As I've said before, I don't wish to offend a persons serious belief, but I also have a right to express myself, so I have taken my American privilege and done so.
This book is available at most bookstores and your local library. I would recommend reading the book at your library before making a purchase.
The tales in this book are more unbelievable than any story book for children that I have ever read. I can't believe the author of these books within a book were ever intended to be taken seriously. However I
have met a few people who actually thought they were factual. Come on and check it out for yourself.