So you believe in God;

                                So does Satan and the fallen angels
Lucifer, how art thou fallen!

The Bible tells that Satan/Lucifer was the most beautiful of all the angels, but he was full of arrogance and yearned for power and control. There eventually was a mighty war in heaven and at the end of this war, Satan had fallen, but one-third of the angels fell with him. That tells us that there was a weakness, a flaw in the angels or a specially designed creation by God to fulfill a design for the future. If you notice, when Lucifer was cast from heaven, the earth was his footstool and a place for him to use/dwell/influence.

But you also notice he has a way of coming and going without our awareness. Remember, God said you may entertain angels unaware. Did that mean the fallen ones also?
Modern archaeology brings forth evidence of continual wars, battles, and sacrifices of humans to gods. These idols weren't limited to just one region, but encompassed most of the entire area of  habitation. Tribes worshipped rain gods, crop gods, fertility gods. There were gods of the stars, volcanoes to be appeased and most any visible object was subject to being worshiped or to be feared and placated.
Haven't we all watched ants building networks of homes or storing food? Bees as they continuously went about erecting their intricate hive? Obviously they have a form of thought process that appears to be well organized. Yet we look subjectively and consider them to be far inferior to our being. If there is a creator of all we survey, then do you not suppose we may look as simple as the common ant? Can you not consider how lacking in intelligence we would seem to that world?

If we are to be acceptable to a creator, then we must accept that we are inferior in knowledge by the very fact we certainly can't create a world, a human being (although we are on our way to cloning), etc. To think we are so smart that we can create life, but a world/heaven millions of years older than us couldn't,  is arrogant and ignorant. We are learning at a rapid pace and although we have grown greatly in intelligence for centuries, there has never been a century like the twentieth, for knowledge and creativity. What will the twenty-first bring? Herein lies the danger of man.   When we become so egotistical that we believe we are equal to God, we will fall hard. According to the Bible, that is what Satan came to believe and he fell with a third of the angels. Are we doomed to repeat Satan's folly, or shall we understand and accept humility and save ourselves?
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I hate to capitalize satan's name(s)