Darwinism vs Creationism, cont'd
4. Should the intellectual consider God; Should all consider the concept of God? Mythology such as the gods of Greece, India and most of Asia? Or perhaps the lore of many Indian tribes! What about the different cultures and tales of the great flood? The cerebral person will recognize at the time of writing the Bible, the land that each culture lived in was the whole world to them. So when Noah spoke of the great flood or any other persons wrote of a flood covering the whole earth, why does the atheist jump to conclusions that the Bible version is a copy of other cultures? Is it because they can't believe there is a God who will hold them responsible for their actions, rather than their statement that the believer in God can't accept "thats all there is." Intelligence must recognize the limit of speech, and description to rely upon the knowledge and experience to which they would have been subjected. If one lived in America four-thousand years ago and there was a flood of catastrophic proportions and it covered all they could see, would it not be reasonable that they would write "the whole earth was covered." We read from many sources of similar floods and only accuse the Judaic/Christian/Muslim world of copy or simply myth. What is the scholar afraid of? Language differences as well as travel accomodations would certainly have been limited, so should we be more subjective of thought and exploratory of evidence? Slowly man has opened his mind to search for links to the Bible and surprisingly, he is finding the evidence. Then why are we not looking for more support instead of branches of science running to disprove. Is this not the mentality of one who is afraid there might actually be an afterlife and they would stand judgement for their actions in life?
5. The gods of mythology were diverse and many were evil. Where is evil learned? I am unaware of anything being made from nothing. All forms of inventions/creations have stemmed from the existence of another thing. If this is so, then how can there be good or evil without a source? How can individual species all have ascended from the ocean. How could the diversity evolve with individual DNA and remain the same? What about missing links? Are they missing because they were never there? Could these species have been brought here?
6. Considering the possibility that the earth took formation from the big bang, are we ready to believe that each species of animal, plant, etc., devloped or evolved into a definite article and remain the same unless we manipulate? For example, the dog has been has been manipulated to bring forth many breeds, but they remain canine. At what point in time would the Darwin evolutionist want us to believe that a transformation of DNA took place, then remained unchanged for millenia?
7. A Christian or Judaist believe that things evolve. Doesn't everyone understand that? We grow taller, plants change according to environment, etc. But still we can not make an animal without sperm or a plant without seed. We soon will clone humans! Why do we strain to find excuses for Darwin, but refuse to accept strong evidence in the Bible ?
Genesis 18: 1-33
D. Angels appear to Abraham, they dine, prophesy and speak for The Lord
1. What explanation can we provide for the story of three angels who appear to Abraham and eat the best of food Sarah had to offer? The story goes on to state the angels told Sarah she would give birth to a son, even though she was way beyond the age of child bearing. The angels speak for God regarding the evilness and destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. If these are just legends without merit, why did Sarah have the child? The son did exist because history records his life, and his name was Isaac. The cities were destroyed and the evidence has been shown on several of our best T V stations that are known for their scientific investigation. Angels can't be spirits alone, or they wouldn't be able to eat. Who were these entities that were often described as coming in flying wheels, chariots, whirlwinds, etc.? This is not a case for flying saucers, this is a case of looking for clues to our early history and a realistic explanation for mysteries that are written throughout the Bible. This is a case of looking for information provided thousands of years ago. Because we have been told they couldn't be true, Darwin and special science groups have become as gods, accepted as "The authority on all of science." Where are our thinking abilities? Do we leave our minds stagnant and let someone else tell us what we can believe? Take our schools; I don't object to science teaching Darwins theory of evolution, if creationist's are allowed to present their theory of creation. Now if this isn't interference in our right to religious freedom that America was founded on, then what would you call infringement? Once our great country stated it was founded on freedom of speech, but that's only if you hold a popular view anymore. You can burn our flag (which should be punishable by exiling the persons to a land they prefer) on any property, but not a creche, at Christmas? Just a bunny at Easter?
2. Finding authentic evidence must be undertaken without prejudice and by unbiased scientists. Science means the study of, therefore if we are to produce true evidence of our findings, then science will suffer if truth is not presented. Do you ever stop to wonder why science books are taught in school as fact, only to be changed periodically as new evidence proves them wrong. Then why don't the books simply state, "this is a possibility", rather than "this is the way it is." I am well aware that some of our books are more informative and state the content is theory, but many do not. Take for an example the lady scientist who stated that she and others had discovered dinosaur tracks alongside human footprints. The discovery alleged to have been from Texas, was hurriedly sealed and the group was told to shut up talking about it. If this story is/was not true (it was shown on Discovery Channel, I believe), then why was it not exposed on all the news. I don't think most of us want evidence of any kind hidden, rather most of us want all the evidence shown. If presented facts are factual, then why the constant update and discoveries of mistakes (mistakes)
3. We do not know what has caused the extinction of the dinosaur, but many theories have been presented. No one person or group has ever had or will ever have all the answers. This is where you, as an individual enter. You are responsible for searching evidence without prejudice or hidden agenda.
4. Civilization......... Which? Ours or others! Our most accomplised scientists have now discovered much of the functioning of the human genome. Also the belief that black holes may be tears or rips in the fabric of our universe and stars/debris that is sucked into them (by force of vacuum) propels the objects into other galaxies. Other Universes? What was the evolution process of this creation. Is it possible that there is creation from a mighty source involved, and we are really just a simple ant/bug in the mechanics. I believe the evidence shows a greater likelihood that the human was brought here by some manner of creation and with considerable forethought, but great dissapointment at the outcome.